We’re very excited to announce validation of our planning application to Portsmouth City Council for the creation of a new build nursery to supplement the existing complex and provide for up to 40 new children’s nursery places in this over-subscribed part of the city of Portsmouth.
Our client, Canoe Lake Nursery are well known in the area for their holistic approach to pre-school learning with existing facilities that accentuate the connection to the outdoor, garden environment in which the proposal will sit.
Our design has taken the advice of pre-application planning recommendations with an enhanced low profile design that complements the sensitivity of this important conservation area close to the seafront in Southsea, Hampshire.
The client’s requirements for a sustainable design has guided us towards careful material consideration and construction methodology and we have already benefited from specialist consultant input from the likes of UNDA (Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment), Paul Basham Associates (Transport) and Arbtech (Aboricultural) to further guide the design.
Important community infrastructure such as nursery provision provides crucial cohesive responses to design, planning and timely delivery to ensure the city is well stocked to serve our young population

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